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Given the amount of information and misinformation floating around, we understand how overwhelming and confusing your new fitness journey may seem. We're here to help clear up that confusion by offering a few free tips specifically aimed at beginners!

Sit-ups don't help weight loss!
The most common mistake we see is people doing sit-ups in hopes of slimming their waist and developing a "six-pack." Sit-ups, however, do not slim your waist and are only useful for toning abdominal muscles that are already visible. For your abdominal muscles to be visible, you need to reduce your overall body fat to around 10-12% body fat for men, and 16-20% for women. Unfortunately, performing sit-ups doesn't burn enough calories to decrease body fat, so the time spent doing them would be much better utilized performing an exercise or activity with a greater caloric expenditure. A five-minute jog, for example, would burn far more calories than doing sit-ups for five minutes. This segues beautifully into our next tip...
Spot reduction isn't a real thing!
Many beginners believe that sit-ups will help burn belly fat, which simply isn't true. A common misconception among newcomers is that you can reduce the fat in a problem area by specifically targeting it. For example, doing biceps and triceps exercises in hopes of reducing just the excess fat in your arms. Your body burns fat from genetically predetermined areas throughout your entire body, not just the area you're targeting. This means that doing squats, for instance, will burn fat from all over your body, including your arms! To expound on this, since squats are a compound movement (a movement that uses several muscle groups collaboratively to perform), they'll burn far more calories than a simple bicep curl or tricep extension. This means if you're looking to lose belly fat, specifically targeting it via sit-ups isn't the way to go about it. Instead, you should focus on aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming, and/or compound resistance movements such as squats and deadlifts. Aerobic training along with resistance training will help reduce fat from all over your body, including the stubborn fat around your belly. Circling back to our example, if you want to reduce fat from your arms, go for a jog and do some squats!
Stay consistent!
Consistency is the key to success but seems to be where most people struggle. If you want results, you have to put in the work on a consistent basis! This means engaging in some form of exercise at least four days a week, regardless of weather or mood. We understand there will be days you simply don't want to work out. We have those days, too! However, you need to push yourself to get that workout in anyhow, and we guarantee that if you do, you'll feel much better having done so. We've seen far too many people begin a workout program just to abandon it within the first few weeks. We've also seen far too many people take weeks off at a time, and have heard every excuse in the book. While some of those excuses are valid, most are little more than an inability to commit to a long-term exercise program. If you don't want to drive to the gym because it's raining out, you're simply not serious about your health and fitness goals. If you claim you can't work out because of an ache, pain, or minor injury, you're not serious either. "I can't work out today because I hurt my foot" is a poor excuse when there are plenty of workouts you can do using other parts of your body. If you make your workout a priority and not an afterthought, and you can maintain consistency long-term, you can and will see the results you've dreamed about. Yes, life may throw unexpected obstacles your way, but you should still be able to squeeze a workout in around them. A bad break-up, for example, doesn't justify missing four weeks of workouts. Half of your exercise program is mental. If you're mentally strong enough to suck it up and get those workouts in even when life isn't going your way, the results will speak for themselves!
Don't be afraid of lifting weights!
We get that weights can be a bit intimidating to beginners. We assure you, they're nothing to be afraid of! Getting "too bulky" is a common fear among newcomers of all ages, sizes, and genders. However, becoming too muscular is nothing you need to worry about, nor is it something most people are even genetically capable of. When told "I would never want to look like you," bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger would famously reply, "Don't worry, you never will." It takes years of hard, disciplined weight training to achieve that level of muscularity, so don't shy away from its numerous benefits over an irrational fear of appearing "too buff." Resistance training is essential for men and women alike as it reduces the risk of age-related skeletal muscle loss known as "sarcopenia." By weight training now, you'll find yourself able to enjoy a much more functional life in your later years. Weight training also helps build power, which is essential for everyday tasks such as standing up, or lifting a gallon of milk. While these tasks may seem simple now, they become increasingly difficult with age. However, developing power now will help counter the functional decline you'd experience otherwise later on in life. Grab some dumbbells and get to work! Your body will thank you in the years to come.
Wake up and move!

Waking up and immediately engaging in some form of physical activity is incredible for your metabolic health. Before grabbing a bite to eat, we recommend at least twenty minutes of aerobic activity to start your day off right. Whether it's walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming, engaging in some form of aerobic exercise after waking will increase your metabolism while giving you a boost of natural energy for the day to come. It's easy to get distracted by technology, so ignore your television, phone, or computer and put those shoes on the moment you climb out of bed! We realize this is easier said than done, but if you stick with it, you'll find it becomes easier with time. If you keep at it, you'll find it quickly becomes a healthy habit that will have you looking and feeling much better! For you middle-of-the-night snackers, it's also a great way to burn a few of the calories you might have consumed while raiding the kitchen when you were half asleep. If you can make waking up and engaging in aerobic activity a part of your daily routine, your body and mind will surely thank you for it. This simple tip is another great way to help burn body fat!

Stay active throughout the day!

While engaging in some form of aerobic activity upon waking is important, it's also important to stay active throughout the day. Ten to twenty-minute walks two or three times a day in addition to your waking aerobic activity is a great way to keep your metabolism active, in turn burning more calories throughout the day and helping you lose those unwanted pounds. We recommend taking these walks after a meal, which will aid in digestion as well as improving your metabolic efficiency. A healthy, active metabolism is essential for countering body fat, so try to squeeze in some form of aerobic activity every few hours. It doesn't have to be anything too intense, as even a brisk walk around the block will help improve your overall health.

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